Sunday, July 30, 2006

I'm Dumbfounded, Amazed , Shocked and Awed!!!

Nos and I went looking for a rumored sighting of a Nerd in the Mississippi neighborhood. I was told one had been seen on a garage in an alley off of Albina. Well, this is what I found. I was very surprised.

This is the first sign I was going to have a good day. A Nerd on the back of the stop sign at Albina and Shaver was spotted even before the car stopped rolling. A small one but coupled with the larger one I was told about that would make two for the day and quite a score on its own. This is also the first time I recall seeing a signature with a Nerd. Thank you Katie for the fun challenges I have had in finding your little treasures.

Wow it was no lie, the large Nerd I was told about. This is what I live for in the Nerd search. On a garage in an alley between Albina and Mississippi.

I found this one on a pole while walking towards Michelle's house. N Michigan between Mason and Skidmore.

Three Nerds in one day would have been plenty but low and behold, number four. This one is on the mirror inside the Mississippi Pizza bathrrom. It's the bathroom on the right and I now know how hard it is to take a picture of a Nerd etched into a mirror. The Nerd is marked 05 but I don't ever recall seeing this one. Have I just not used the bathroom on the right since this one went up?

Holy cow did I get lucky. This is the fifth and final Nerd I saw on Saturday. This one is from 2005 and is on the garbage can outside the same house as an ameoba I posted previously. The garage is just north of the Mississippi Pizza. I also looked back at that posting and noticed a smaller ameoba seeping through the white square to the left of the large ameoba. Ameoba to the second power and twice on the same garage, kinda funny.

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